Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Fighting Irish Wednesday!
Complete your division worksheet from class today.
Have your quiz signed for +2 points.
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - Complete the "Sour Power" packet Happy Halloween
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Complete your Factor worksheets; Text p. 156-157 A-O
There will be a quiz tomorrow on Lessons 21-25
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - No Homework
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Text p. 147-148 #s 2-30 evens only; 1- Division worksheet 2- Associative property/ Fraction worksheet
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - No Homework For a ticket - Which state is located directly north of Pennsylvania?
Math - Period 1 and 2 - Complete textbook page 151-153 #s 1-28
Quiz - Friday on Lessons 21-25
Science - Period 3 and 4 - Scientific Method in Action worksheet
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Complete Division worksheet (both sides). The checks must be shown for all problems.
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - No homework For a ticket - Write the state beverage of Pennsylvania on a piece of paper.
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - We will complete our test on Lessons 11-20 tomorrow. There is no written homework this evening.
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - Complete "Decompression Sickness" packet for tomorrow.
For a ticket - Write the year "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" was first published.
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Math test lessons 11-20 tomorrow. We reviewed in class today.
Complete textbook pages 126-127 #s 1-30 in your notebook.
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - Extra credit due tomorrow. This was assigned last week. The Oobleck project is optional.
For a ticket - On a piece of paper, write the name of the state " The Legend of Sleep Hollow" is said to take place in.
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Multiplying 3 factors worksheet;
Textbook p. 115-116 #s 5-20
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - No Homework For a ticket - On a piece of paper, write Pennsylvania's state colors.
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Multiplication worksheet (both sides)
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - Extra credit due October 17th. See the Oobleck handout and science notebook page 16.
For a ticket - On a piece of paper write down the answer to What is Pennsylvania's motto?
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Complete Classwork on Separating worksheet; Have both tests signed by Thursday.
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - Complete Mixtures and Suspensions worksheet
For a ticket - Write down the score of the Notre Dame - Miami football game from 1988.
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Complete your number lines worksheet
Multiplication Quiz #s 1-12
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - No homework For a ticket - Write down on a piece of paper How many counties are in Pennsylvania?
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Complete Knoebels Subtraction sheet;
Textbook p. 90-91 #s 5-20; 24-25
Multiplication quiz 1-12 this Friday
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - Have your test signed by tomorrow
For a ticket - On a piece of paper, write the name of Pennsylvania's official state insect.
Math - Periods 1 and 2 - Subtraction worksheet (both sides) Period 1 - evens Period 2 - odds
Science - Periods 3 and 4 - Have test signed and returned by Wednesday